There are few things more discouraging than having bad credit and being unable to get a credit card, loan, or vehicle. Whether you’re trying to buy a home or secure a credit card, your credit score is a crucial part in determining the interest rate and terms you receive. If you have a low credit score and are looking for ways to bring it up, we can help.
Access/Mas Resources Group can assist you by contacting the credit reporting bureaus on your behalf. In exchange for a fee, the company will remove inaccurate or negative information and help you improve your credit over time.
While you can dispute any incorrect information on your credit report yourself, this process is overwhelming for many people struggling with poor credit. Instead of trying to take care of your credit issues on your own, we’ll help you sort them out and work towards a better future.
Having a good credit score is a necessary part of getting a credit card and purchasing a home or car. If you’re struggling with credit issues due to financial hardship or medical debt, we can help you sort it out without any added stress.
We accept walk-ins at our Lakeland office Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm and Saturday 8 am to 12 pm. If you need help with your credit, stop by our office today.